
The Pinellas Trail Helps Us ALL


Veterans Village USA is the proud sponsor of Mile #4 of the Pinellas Trail under the Adopt-A-Mile program.


Photos below are from May 6th, 2017 event, we held a clean-up of our Mile and we'd like to thank everyone who participated in making it a very successful event.

We split into two groups and started in the middle of our mile at 40th Street South with one group going to 34th Street and one group going to 46th Street. When the group going to 46th Street reached their destination, they were picked up by Van and brought back to the starting point.








These are the Friends of the Pinellas Trail, Friends of Veterans Village USA and a whole lot of Veterans:


Ken Anderson

Juan Battle

Patrick Bradley

Paul Branesky

Serenity Branesky

Frank Fasano


Howard Feldman

Kevin Forbes

Jovani Martinez

Joe McGinley

Milo McGinley

Sandy McGinley


Phillip Meskin

Drake Owens

Carolyn Teague

James Tiffee

Mike Taylor

Chantal Vachon